Saturday, August 21, 2010

What is this blog about?

I am creating this blog with the intention to help build the more beautiful world, which we know in our hearts is possible. Kevin and Sam (hence the KS) discuss ideas on how to build this new paradigm on our youtube channel: CosmicRevolutionKS. I (Kevin also known as Phil Osophical) believe that the key to solving all of the dysfunction in human society is to recognize interconnectedness. We must dissolve boundaries whether they are perceived or literal which build the society fraught with disconnection, control, fear, anxiety, and greed, all byproducts of the separation between us and our holistic selves, other humans, and other parts of the natural world.

One big way to dissolve boundaries is to live spontaneously and break out of the monotonous routines we live in. I greet nearly everyone I encounter with a "Happy Thursday" or whatever day it is. So Happy blank! and check out our youtube channel at . Peace

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